Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Spring has Sprung!

Hey all!

Sorry about how long its been since I've posted! I have been trying to write something for a while now.... I have so many stories I want to share but the OCD part of me won't let me tell without catching you up on everything since Christmas... I've realized that this is not going to happen and I really want to post something soooo I'm just going to start from today, May 1st. :)


Once when I was little, I spent the night at my cousin's house and happened to be with her for the first of May. We were outside in her garden and noticed all of the beautiful flowers growing in the garden. We thought they were so beautiful that we decided to pick all of the flowers we could carry and leave them on her neighbors doorsteps so they could see how beautiful the flowers were too.

X amount of years later and now I'm half way around the world and it is May first. Since Spring really looks different in Taiwan, I thought I could continue this little childhood ritual and share the love.

So here you go, Spring in Taiwan




Following the leader.. the leader..  the leader
following the leader where ever he may go 


More later!


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