Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Thanksgiving in January

This is horribly late... But better late than never.. Right?

As you all know, one of the major holidays in the US is Thanksgiving. Considering the fact that there are no Indians or Pilgrims in Taiwan, they don't celebrate Thanksgiving here. I wasn't really planning on doing anything to celebrate.. Well, I was planning on getting a little bit homesick and then skyping my dad's side of the family and wishing I was there so I could eat all of the yummy food (I miss mashed potatoes sooo much), do a puzzle with my cousin and try my hardest to kick my extended family's butts at cards. Alas, it was not to be...

I told one of my Chinese teachers about this wonderful holiday and everything I was missing in a "Look at what we do in America!" sort of way. She must've seen my homesickness because she came by during one of my other Chinese classes (Don't forget, I have three Chinese teachers), and asked if I wanted to do something during lunch for Thanksgiving.

Heck to the yes!

She and two other teachers went and got two pizza, two roasted chickens and two huge bottles of Coke. They brought it back to the school and we had quite the feast! The pizzas were interesting. One was American style- I think it had pepperoni on it- and the other was a shrimp pizza. Believe it or not, I liked that shrimp one better. :3 The chicken was super yummy. We ate them with plastic gloves.. Which was interesting..

There were six of us. Me, two of my Chinese teachers, (Katy and Lizzie) a two student teachers, (I know one's name is Pobby) and one of the PE teachers (I don't know her Chinese name.. It sounds really close to Ron-Ron so that's what I call her in my head)

While we worked our way though all of the food, we talked about the differences between life in the USA and Taiwan and a variety of other things.. They even tried to teach me a bit of Taiwanese but I don't remember any of it. After we finished our food, Katy, Pobby and I borrowed some guitars from the music classroom and Pobby taught me a Taiwanese song about friendship. (I think...) It was pretty nifty :) After that, I joined Ron-Ron's PE class for a little bit. We played kickball. It was super duper fun :)

All in all, my Thanksgiving was pretty freaking amazing. I wouldn't have it any other way :)

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