Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Crisis Month


I need to take a moment and rage. Bear with me.

Public transportation hates me this week. I missed my train home yesterday by milliseconds and spent a hour sitting on the platform waiting for the next one. Which wouldn't have been that big of a deal except I hadn't had lunch yet and my sleep schedule is all messed up and I only got six hours of sleep the night before... I was not in a very good mood at all.

Not mention, I'm normally super lucky with this kind of thing. I have yet to get on the wrong train (knock on wood) or missed my bus or anything like that.. Although, there was this one time I had a total blond moment and thought I did. That was an interesting day... I managed to sunburn my entire body, but that's a story for later.

Oh, and then this morning I was ready to leave a little earlier than usual so I went on Facebook and then somehow I managed to miss my bus. I saw the bus pulling away from the curb and said "don't let it be my bus, don't let it be my bus.." and it was.. I still don't know how it happened.
The sucky thing is that I take the very last bus because I'm too lazy to get up before 6 and they're all before seven am so I was kinda stuck... But it wasn't as bad as yesterday because I just went home and slept for a couple more hours and then took a train to school (which is where I am now)

Oh the joys of being an exchange student....


Charlie McDonnell
aka charlieissocoollike
About a week ago, I was watching some videos by a YouTuber by the (screen)name of charlieissocoollike. He's British (his #1 coolness factor) and make for some interesting videos.

Last week-ish Charlie had a 'Youtube Mid-Life Crisis Week' in which he posted every day for one week to prove to himself that he could do it... He is a Quaility vs Quantity sort of person and thus he doesn't post all the time.

His second video during Crisis Week was called 'Don't Break the Chain'.

In this video Charlie introduces one of his anti-procrastination techniques (which shares a name with the video) Basically, you create a goal (Charlie's example- working on a screen play) and set a minimum amount of time you must work on it in one day (CEx- half an hour) and then buy/print out a little calendar and X out every day you meet the requirements.

I have a slight problem with procrastination (if you haven't noticed) and I REALLY want to tell you about every thing thats happened since I posted back in December so I'm going to 'not break the chain' for the month of May.

I have an idea of how I'm going to do this and hopefully you won't get sick of me. My story telling skills will be put to the test haha.

You know.. If you think about it, it's kinda like Im having a Mid/Late-Exchange-Life Crisis Week.. Except it will be a month. Ahh. This seems like a daunting task, but if I can not see my family or friends for 8 months (!!!!!!!!!) then I can most certainly do this.

Ready.. set...

May 1- Check
May 2- Check

Two days down.. Twenty-nine to go...

Wish me luck.


I actually had to set a schedule for this post because if I posted it now (1:01pm May 2), it would still be May 1st for most of you, where as if I set it to post at 12:01am Pacific Daylight Time then it will be 3:01pm May 2 here... Wins all around. :D

Oh and if there's anything you are curious about please comment or facebook me and let me know! I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have (Not to mention I will probably need some help in the topics department...) :)

Okay, I'm done now

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