Tuesday, October 25, 2011

2 Months??

The girls of Yilan <3
As of today, October 25th, I've been in Taiwan for two whole months. I really don't know how this happened. I feel like my sense of time is all twisted.. (Or broken. It's most likely broken.)  It seems like yesterday that I was getting ready to leave and at the same time it feels like I've been here for an eternity. School is painfully long and yet the days fly by.

Watch, all a sudden it will be Thanksgiving... and then Christmas... and then New Years.. Then my birthday... Chinese New Years.. Valentine's day... Easter.. Dragon boat festival... the year end trip...

It's rather mind blowing when you put it in perspective with holidays and events, eh?

I vacillate between wanting it to be the end (because then I will finally be able to speak Chinese and my Taiwanese friends and family can start planning their trips to see me in the US) and wanting Hermione Granger's time-turner so I never have to reapply for a visa and can stay here forever. :D

Anywho... I have nothing else to say except time flies and I wouldn't trade these last two months for the world. :)


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