Tuesday, August 30, 2011


This is probably the fourth time I've rewritten this stupid post. There's so much to tell and I feel like I'm behind on it all. Ive put waaay too much effort into something that should be simpler than breathing. So here's what I'm gonna do, I'm just gonna post this and then write a whole new post about my first day of school. Luck you. Two posts in one day.

Sorry about any awkwardness... Im going to try and make it as logical as possible :)


Wednesday- August 24, 2011

4:00- #%$&!!! I was supposed to be up an a hour ago!! Mom! Wake up!
4:20- I think that's the fastest I have ever gotten ready for anything. *closes the car door* Whew!
4:30- The airport doesn't look that busy... Double Whew!
4:33- Auntie Carla!! Hi!! I can't believe you made it!! *hugs*
4:40- Wait a second, you're telling me that I have to go find this magical thing you call "United counter" in the San Fran airport to get my last ticket and I might have to re-check my luggage?! *chokes*
4:42- You can check my luggage straight through?? *jumps over the counter* *hugs the woman* thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou
4:45- *inline for security* *slightly worried* hurry up.. My flight is boarding in ten minutes...
4:50- *front of security* ohhhh group hug!! Bye mom! Bye dad! See you next year! .... Oh my god I just said that out loud... Weird. *goes through security before the sobbing starts*
4:53- that shirt looks familiar... Graham? Oh hi it is you! Where are you going? LA? Cool. Oh me? I'm going to San Fran....


And thus I started the greatest adventure of my life. (that statement is so cliche lol)
16+ hours in the air, customs, one airplane dinner, security, five airports, one book, numerous naps, one rotary blazer, another two rotary blazers, security again, six rotary blazers, a rousing game of Fruit Ninja, and conversations with fellow exchange students. All these things filled the hours between Oregon and Taipei. It all lead to the moment when I stepped off the plane into the muggy airport in search of a bed, food and a brand new family.

I so far, I've found everything I wanted and stumbled upon a whole lot more.

For starters, Humidity isn't as bad as one would think. They have the system down to the T. There's at least one air-conditioning unit in every room and in outdoor performance areas there are misters. Not that the misters are that important because it's always pretty moist. I think one of the coolest things is that the rain is warm. Yah, thats right. Warm. In Oregon, the rain is that miserable combination of cold and wet. Here it's warm. I'm pretty sure that people think we exchange students are crazy because we just walk around sans umbrella. But then again, they have their umbrellas out when there is barely a drizzle so the feeling goes both ways. ;)


PF Changs has nothing on real Chinese food. It's so Americanized it isn't even funny. I have yet to see anything that looks remotely like lettus wraps or 'Shanghi Cucumbers'. The flavors are nothing I have ever tasted. Its rare that you find something as sweet or carb infested as doughnuts or a PB&J sandwich.... But then again, I couldnt tell you half the things I've eaten since I got here so that last statement should probably taken with a bag of salt. All that I can tell you is that it always comes with rice and chopsticks and more often than not you actually eat most things out of your rice bowl. No plates necessary. It all takes some getting used to but I'm hoping that by Thanksgiving I'll be good.


I found it surprising how quickly I became friends with the other exchange students in the area. Call me crazy but I thought it would take a whole lot longer. We are quite the group that's for sure. Leanne from Canada, Ana from Brazil, Carlos from Mexico and me. There are more exchange students but the four of just got back from a two day trip to central (?) Taiwan. That was loads of fun and deserves it's own post.. Anybody interested?? ;)

Till next time,

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